So for the last few weeks my kids have been learning about the different types of birds we went to the library checked out a few books on Birds and their habitats.My kids had become very interested in bird watching and learning about all the different types and they became more interested do to the barn swallows in the backyard they have made several nest around here. My kids were curious on what kind of bird it was and why their nest is made from mud So we went to the library to get the information And Also found great resources here online I hope you enjoy the information links here is a pic of the Barn swallow
You can learn more about Barn Swallows and other Birds here at this site it also has live video of birds in their Habitats very cool
This link has free resources,puzzles,games, pics and other fun activities
This site contains free kit and resources
free Montessori bird unit and cards
sign up and get free materials about birds
Teachers Pack
your free copy book of shorebirds poster id cards
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