Vegetables that grow well in containers
As we all know growing your own vegetables have a big advantaged your own produce will be cheaper healthier then what you would buy in the supermarket. And it also perfect for those who will be using pots and containers think of all the room you have saved just from using pots and containers. I figured for those who growing their garden they would like to know which vegetables do well in container and pots so I will tell you which ones are perfect .
1. Salad Leaves
I love to grow a lot of salad, salad leaves are easy to grow and produce a lot of leaves.They grow well in small grow spaces if you use fine and shallow trays or pots they will grow a lot of leaves.You do not need to feed them all they need to grow is compost and water.When ready clip the leaves when need and they will grow again Just think of all the money you will save from buying salad leaves at the store and how much healthier this will be fore you.
These guys grow easily in a pot and do not take up to much space .I love to use radishes in my salad and for those of you whose kids don't like radishes try using them in salsa .
3. Carrot's
To grow carrots it can take a while to mature you will need a deep pot baby spinach and carrots thrive growing in pots.Carrots use less depth of compost be careful of carrot fly's they can kill your plant cover with fleece are surrounded them by other plants.
4.Snap Peas, Snow Peas,or Beans in a pot
Planting all these will require a runner these guys need a deep tub and require a lot of nutrient and compost keep well watered. I like using the tops turvys fore beans less maintenance.
Cucumbers are perfect for all types of things cucumbers need a lot of room to grow try using a vertical pot for these.
Growing cabbage in a container can take a little work when the head of the cabbage starts to form cut the top part of in to quarters so it won’t grow in to one big head.
7. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have lots of variety's that will thrive in pots you will need to make sure they have a lot of nutrients.
8. Spring Onions
Spring onions are mild onions that can be eaten in a salad they are closely related to green onions are scallions. They only need minimal space to grow the tiniest pot can accommodate them.
When growing Beets make sure you use a big container so it will be able to grow it roots deep.
10 .Eggplant
Eggplants need a lot of room to grow but you can grow them in a container as long as it has big container.
11.Bell Peppers
When growing Bell Peppers they require a lot of room so make sure you have a big container to grow them.
You can also start a Herb Garden by using Rosemary, thyme, sage, you can put all these in one container and don't forget you can grow cilantro as well in a container Hot Chili Peppers, Jalapenos and Banana Peppers. as well as strawberries and blue berries I hope this list has helped you.
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