Have you ever had a crazy time looking for writing ideas? If you answered yes then you can, understand how crazy my Monday was. I am the mom who will search Pinterest for hours. Searching for new and creative ideas,I just love to pin all those wonderful ideas! And guess what idea I loved,"Journal Jars " yes that's right journal jars. I am super excited to share this brilliant idea with all of you. A journal jar is so creative and fun, you can use this idea for adults as well. Journal Jar is filled with kid friendly questions/ perfect for those who get writers block. What you will do is have your children/students pick a prompt each day have them tape or glue it to their journal. And then they will write out the response to the question,and if they like they can make some illustrations. How to Make a Journal Jar •You will need a large jar •Decorate the Jar to your liking you can use stickers,tags,paper,markers,rubber stamps etc. • write or if you choos...